
Four steps process to providing rehabilitation care - Plan

Planning how to deliver rehabilitation interventions for IADLs follows the assessment using the information gathered.

In this module, the 3 steps previously outlined in the ‘Introduction to Rehabilitation’ and ‘Introduction to Self-Care’ modules also apply in the ‘PLAN’ phase of this module. These are

  1. Set a rehabilitation goal
  2. Select the right intervention and its dosage
  3. Support where needed with a referral to additional services

The following are factors with examples to consider when selecting the right interventions for IADLs:

  1. Identify the IADLs that the person wants to work on

    For example, If the person states that to them, being able to cook their own meals and use their phone are difficult at the moment and things they would like to work on, then identify interventions specific to these activities


  1. Identify the elements in the person’s environment that can be used or modified to improve IADLs

    For example, if there is a meal delivery service in the person’s community, it may be helpful to advise the person to use this service if they have difficulties with meal preparation.


  1. Consider which assistive products the person may benefit from and how to make these available to the person

    For example, find out if there is health insurance and if it covers assistive products they need.

Refer to the assistive products module for indications and how to select, fit and use these assistive products.

  1. Consider how to fit the IADLs interventions into the person’s schedule.

    For example, if the person has difficulties with using transportation and is not yet comfortable with using transportation, it may be better to organise to practice with somebody else, such as a family member, and to talk through the steps and strategies beforehand. 


  1. Consider the most appropriate frequency and duration for carrying out the IADLs interventions.

    For example, educate and advice the person to practice using memory aids as often as possible.


Remember to:

  • Find a quiet place to avoid distractions
  • Involve caregivers or family members when appropriate
  • Try to give education and advice using words that align with the person’s level of health literacy


Remember Tevita?

Tevita holding a destination sign being helped unto a bus

During the planning of Tevita’s rehabilitation interventions for difficulties with IADLs, she informed the health professional that one of her major goals is to be able to pick public transportation once a week and go shopping without getting confused or lost.


Which of the following should be included in the plan to help Tevita achieve this goal and why?

Select all that apply.

  •  a. Practising how to drive once a week and go shopping
  •  b. Having a family member accompany her while she practises how to pick transportation for shopping
  •  c. Facilitating the acquisition of a walking stick for Tevita to help her move around
  •  d. Picking public transportation everyday

If you selected b and c, you are correct. Tevita’s goal was to pick public transportation and not drive. She also wanted to do this once a week so it will not be advisable to ask her to use transportation everyday.

Last modified: Thursday, 24 March 2022, 12:18 PM