Basic anatomy and muscle movements


When assessing muscle strength, the areas of the body can be broken down into:

  • Shoulder
  • Elbow and arm
  • Wrist and hand
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Ankle and foot
  • Trunk


For each area of the body, we will look at the main movements produced.

For each of the seven muscle groups listed, look at the MAIN muscles that are assessed in each group and the movements that they produce.

Please note, this module will teach you how to assess the muscle strength of the movements in bold only.

Movements at the shoulder

  • Shoulder abduction
  • Shoulder flexion
  • Shoulder elevation
  • Shoulder external rotation
  • Shoulder internal rotation

A person standing, raising their arm straight out to the side with their thumb pointing upwards

A person standing, raising their arm straight out in front of them until it is pointing straight up

A person standing with their elbow bent to 90 degrees and tucked into their ribs. The person then rotates their lower arm out


Elbow flexion and extension are used in many everyday activities. Look at each of the following images.

A person brushing their teeth

At the shoulder, is this an example of:

  •  Shoulder abduction
  •  Shoulder elevation

If you selected shoulder abduction you are correct.

This is an example of shoulder abduction. Shoulder external rotation, internal rotation and flexion may also be needed when brushing teeth.

A person reaching up and behind them to put a jacket on

At the right shoulder, what movement is shown?

  •  Shoulder abduction and external rotation
  • Shoulder abduction and internal rotation

If you selected shoulder abduction and external rotation you are correct.

This is an example of shoulder abduction and external rotation. Many different shoulder movements are required when getting dressed.

Movements at the elbow and arm

  • Elbow flexion
  • Elbow extension

Elbow bending into elbow flexion

Elbow straightening into elbow extension


Elbow flexion and extension are used in many everyday activities.

Look at each of the following images.

A person brushing their teeth

At the elbow, is this an example of:

  •  Elbow extension
  •  Elbow flexion

If you selected elbow flexion you are correct.

This is an example of elbow flexion.

Movements at the wrist and hand

  • Wrist extension
  • Wrist flexion
  • Wrist supination
  • Grip strength
  • Finger flexion
  • Thumb extension
  • Fine finger and thumb movements (finger abduction, finger adduction, thumb opposition)

Close up image of a person bending their wrist into wrist extension

Close up image of a person bending their wrist into wrist flexion

Close up image of a person squeezing their fist

Close up image of a person touching their third finger to their thumb


Wrist movements are used in many everyday activities.

Look at each of the following images.

A person cycling

Which wrist movement is being used when cycling?

  •  a. Wrist extension
  •  b. Wrist flexion
  •  c. Wrist supination
  •  d. Thumb extension

If you selected a, you are correct.

Wrist extension is used when cycling, wrist extension is also used for gripping other objects, when using tools, chopping vegetables and using cutlery.

A person standing, chopping vegetables

Which wrist movement is being used when chopping vegetables?

  •  a. Wrist extension
  •  b. Wrist flexion
  •  c. Wrist supination
  •  d. Any of the above

If you selected d, you are correct.

When chopping vegetables, wrist flexion, wrist extension and wrist supination may be used at different times.

Close up image of a person picking up a pen

Which wrist and hand movements are being used when picking up small objects?

  •  a. Fine finger movements
  •  b. Wrist supination

If you selected a, you are correct.

When picking up small objects, fine finger movements are used. Other movements where fine finger movements are used include; typing, doing up buttons or zips on clothing, using cutlery and tying shoe laces.

Movements at the hip

  • Hip extension
  • Hip flexion
  • Hip abduction
  • Hip external rotation
  • Hip internal rotation

A person standing, holding on to the back of a chair in front of them and straightening their leg about behind them

A person standing, holding on to a handrail, lifting their foot off the ground until their hip is bent to 90 degrees

A person standing, holding on to the back of a chair beside them and lifting their leg out to the side


Hip movements are used in many everyday activities.

Look at each of the following images.

A person standing up from a sitting position

What is the main hip movement being used when standing up from sitting?

  •  a. Hip extension
  •  b. Hip flexion
  •  c. Hip abduction

If you selected a, you are correct.

Hip extension is used when standing up from sitting. Hip extension is also used for walking, dancing, running and moving in bed.

A person walking up a set of stairs, holding on to a handrail

Which hip movement is being used when stepping up stairs?

  •  a. Hip extension
  •  b. Hip flexion
  •  c. Hip abduction

If you selected b, you are correct.

When stepping up stairs, hip flexion is used. Hip flexion is also used when walking, dancing and lifting legs off bed.

A person standing on one leg and holding on to a bench top

Which hip movement is being used when standing on leg?

  •  a. Hip extension
  •  b. Hip flexion
  •  c. Hip abduction

If you selected c, you are correct.

When standing on one leg, hip abduction is used. Hip abduction is also used when walking, dancing and lifting legs off bed.

Movements at the knee

  • Knee extension
  • Knee flexion

A person sitting and straightening their leg directly out if front of them
Close up image of person bending their knee back behind them in a seated position



Knee movements are used in many everyday activities.

Look at each of the following images.

A person standing up from a sitting position

Which knee movement is being used when standing up from sitting?

  •  Knee extension
  •  Knee flexion

If you selected knee extension, you are correct.

When standing up from sitting, knee extension is used. Knee extension is also used when walking, dancing, putting on pants and running.

A person standing, holding on to the back of a chair in front of them. The person slowly lowers into a half squat position ..

... and rises back up again

Which knee movement is being used when going from standing to squatting?

  •  Knee extension
  •  Knee flexion

If you selected knee flexion, you are correct.

When squatting, knee flexion is used. Knee flexion is also used when walking, dancing, putting on pants, moving in bed and running.

Movements at the foot and ankle

  • Ankle dorsiflexion
  • Ankle plantarflexion
  • Big toe extension
  • Toe flexion
  • Ankle inversion
  • Ankle eversion

Close up image of person bending ankle up towards shin bone

Close up image of person pointing foot down, away from leg


Ankle and foot movements are used in many everyday activities.

Look at each of the following images:

A person standing, holding on to back of chair in front of them. Person rises up on to their toes

Which ankle movement is being used in the image above?

  •  a. Ankle dorsiflexion
  •  b. Ankle plantarflexion

If you selected b, you are correct, in this image the ankle is being plantarflexed.